Othello The Moor of Venice: Act V Scene ii verse 352-356.
Othello: Julio Cazzasa (Special Collections Cataloguer, Special Collections, Senate House Libraries, University of London).
Spanish Translation Source Reference: The Riverside Shakespeare 2nd Ed 1997 (SV281 IOP 15.45.his)
Audio with special effects (SothjVI.wav)
Othello: Julio Cazzasa (Special Collections Cataloguer, Special Collections, Senate House Libraries, University of London).
Spanish Translation Source Reference: The Riverside Shakespeare 2nd Ed 1997 (SV281 IOP 15.45.his)
Audio with special effects (SothjVI.wav)
Othello in Desdemona's bedchamber in the castle.
OTHELLO Set you down this;
And say besides, that in Aleppo once,
Where a malignant and a turban'd Turk
Beat a Venetian and traduced the state,
I took by the throat the circumcised dog
And smote him, thus.
(Stabs himself).
Pintadme así, y agregad que una vez en Alepo, donde un malicioso turco en turbante golpeaba a un veneciano e insultaba a la República, agarré de la garganta al perro circunciso y dile muerte ...¡así!
(Se da de puñaladas.)